Install MediaWiki

From KevinWiki

Revision as of 11:36, 6 April 2009 by Kevin (Talk | contribs)
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MySQL Databse Setup

 GRANT CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, LOCK TABLES ON `my_wiki`.* TO `wikiuser`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 

Configure LocalSettings.php

-Add (or change to) the following lines to /var/www/w/LocalSettings.php file. (The wiki is installed in the directory w)

 $wgScriptPath = "/w";         # Path to the actual files (right part of first rewrite rule). Should already be there
 $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";  # Virtual path (left part of first rewrite rule). MUST be DIFFERENT from the path above!
 $wgUsePathInfo = true;

-and the following lines as well.

 ## This is added by Kevin. {
 # to restrict anonymous users from editing any page: set it false.
 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
 # to restrict anonymous users from reading any page: set it false.
 # $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
 # to I restrict account creation: set it false.
 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createpage']       = false;
 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createtalk']       = false;
 $wgGroupPermissions['*']['writeapi']         = false;
 $wgAllowUserJs  = true;
 $wgAllowUserCss  = true;
 $wgAjaxSearch   =       true;
 # $wgVariantArticlePath =       true;
 # $wgRedirectSources            =       true;
 ## This is added by Kevin. }

-Then create wiki.conf file in the /etc/apache2/conf.d directory and add.

# /var/www/w should be the directory where the wiki is installed.
Alias /wiki /var/www/w/index.php 

-the following lines are optional

<Directory /var/www/w/>
        Options +FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        order allow,deny
        allow from all

# AllowOverride All is to use .htaccess file if the default setup of it is disabled (AllowOverride None).