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Client-side Installation

In the client,

$ apt-get install git-core 


User Info

$ git config --global "GivenName Surname" 
$ git config --global user@email.address 

Default Text Editor

$ git config --global core.editor "sublime-text -w"

External Diff Tool

Using Meld As Diff Tool

  • To use Meld as a diff tool, install Meld
$ sudo apt-get install meld 
  • Set it as the default diff tool
$ git config --global diff.external meld 
  • It doesn't work and gives the following error messages.
$ git diff 
  meld                        Start with an empty window
  meld <file|dir>             Start a version control comparison
  meld <file> <file> [<file>] Start a 2- or 3-way file comparison
  meld <dir> <dir> [<dir>]    Start a 2- or 3-way directory comparison
  meld <file> <dir>           Start a comparison between file and dir/file

meld: error: too many arguments (wanted 0-4, got 7)
  • Create ~/

import sys
import os

os.system('meld "%s" "%s"' % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[5]))
  • Make it executable
$ chmod a+x ~/ 
  • Set the script as the diff tool
$ git config --global diff.external ~/ 
  • Now it works
$ git diff 
$ git diff HEAD 

Commit Template

Create a template file
e.g.) $HOME/git/.your-config/git-commit-comment-template.txt

$ git config --global commit.template $HOME/git/.your-config/git-commit-comment-template.txt 


$ git config --global color.ui true

Server-side Installation

In the server,

$ apt-get install git 


Add User to Manage Gitolite

  1. Add user to manage gitolite
$ adduser \
  --system \
  --shell /bin/bash \
  --gecos 'git version control' \
  --group \
  --disabled-password \
  --home /home/git \

Adding system user `git' (UID 108) ...
Adding new group `git' (GID 110) ...
Adding new user `git' (UID 108) with group `git' ...
Creating home directory `/home/git' ...

Create SSH key

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa 

/home/username/.ssh/some_git_rsa [ENTER] [ENTER]

Transfer SSH Keys to Server

$ ssh-copy-id '-p PORT_NUMBER -i /home/user/.ssh/ git_user@host' 

If it doesn't work because the user is the only user who can access the server with his/her ssh key so accessing with git_user doesn't work.

$ scp -P PORT ~/.ssh/ user@host: 

Log in with the user account

$ ssh -p PORT user@host
$ mv 


$ su - git 
$ cd ~ 
$ echo "PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc 
  • don't need these 2 lines
$ mkdir .ssh 
$ cat /home/user/ >> /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys 
$ exit

Gitolite Installation

$ sudo -i 
$ apt-get install gitolite
[ENTER] -> :q to exit
$ exit

Setup git User

$ su - git
$ gl-setup /home/user/ 
$ vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config 

Add git to the allowed user

AllowUsers user git

Restart ssh

$ service ssh restart 


  • Testing (from user local machine)
$ ssh -p PORT_NUMBER git@host 

Having many keys?

$ ssh -p PORT_NUMBER -i ~/.ssh/ git@host 

For debugging

$ ssh -p PORT_NUMBER -vT git@host 
$ mkdir some-dir 
$ cd some-dir 
$ git clone git@host:gitolite-admin 

Or if you use a specific port,

$ git clone ssh://git@host:PORT_NUMBER/gitolite-admin

Add Git User (through Gitolite)

Adding User

$ cd gitolite-admin/keydir 
$ mkdir user_name 
$ cp -p ~/.ssh/ .
$ cp -p ~/.ssh/ .
$ git add 
$ git commit -a -m "users added: user@host1 and user@host2" 
$ git push

If directly copied to /home/git/.gitolite/keydir, run

$ gl-setup

to apply the changes


Host Info Config using SSH_Config

Create ~/.ssh/config file and edit.

  Port 1111

  Port 2222

Host host1
  Port 1111
  User git
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/git_rsa

Host user-host2
  Port 1234
  User user
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/user@localhost1

Host user-host3
  Port 1122
  User user
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/user@localhost1

IdentityFile is a private key

To use this info,

$ git clone git@host1:repo-name 
# it will use 'git' as a user and access the server '' using the port nubmer 1111.
$ git clone git@host1:repo-name 
# it will use 'user' as a user and access the server '' using the port nubmer 1234.

Push to Specific Host

$ git push git@host1:repo-name master

Set up Project Specific User Info

  • Move to the project repository
$ git config user@email.address 

To see and edit all the config details

$ git config -e


To exclude files when committing, create .gitignore file and put in the project root (git project repo root). For maven project, the content should be


To set up the global ignore file

$ git config --global core.excludesfile $HOME/git/.your-config/.global-gitignore 

Other gitignore files,

.gitignore for Eclipse and Maven (for Kevin)



# External tool builders

# Locally stored "Eclipse launch configurations"

# CDT-specific

# PDT-specific


  • Add file
$ git add fileName
  • Commit
$ git commit -m "comment"
  • Add all the files and folders
$ git add -A 
# It is equivalent to git add .; git add -u
# git add . -> add all changed and new ones but not removed ones
# git add -u -> changed and removed but not new ones.

Amend Last Comment

  • Amend the last comment
$ git commit --amend -m "New comment"


  • Push to the remote git repository
$ git push
  • If it gives error messages like:
No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.
Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.
  • Do
$ git push origin master



  • Revert to last commit.
$ git reset --hard HEAD 

Or to specific commit/tag/branch

$ git reset --hard <tag/branch/commit id> 
  • Check the id using git log
$ git log 
  • To push it
$ git push <reponame> -f 

Check out

  • Or change the name of master branch then check out from the commit to be used and make it master
  1. Rename the current master branch
    $ git branch -m another_name_for_master 
  2. Check out from another commit:
     $ git checkout a1b2c3a3blah 
  3. Make it the new master branch:
     $ git checkout -b master 
  • If the old master is no longer needed and has to be removed, remove it by
$ git branch -D another_name_for_master

Migration from SVN to Git

Install git-svn

$ apt-get install git-svn 

Prepare for Migration

In some dir, create users.txt having all the user info e.g.)

USERNAME = FirstName LastName <user@host>


Without Tags

$ git svn clone --stdlayout --no-metadata -A users.txt --username=USERNAME https://svn.repo/some-parent-folder/project-folder project-tmp 

(https://svn.repo/some-parent-folder/project-folder <- Not trunk)

$ cd project-tmp 
$ git svn fetch 
  • To view the other SVN branches
$ git branch -r
$ cd ..
$ git clone project-tmp project 
$ rm -Rf project-tmp 
$ cd project 
$ git remote rm origin 
  • Before this, add git repo for the project first.
$ git remote add origin git@git-repo:project 
  • To view all remote
$ git remote -v 
$ git config branch.master.remote origin 
$ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master 

  • add user info to project/.git/config
  email = user@host
$ git push -u origin master 
  • Check status
$ git status 
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

With Tags

If there are nested tag folders like tags/released/1.x/1.1.0, tags/released/1.x/1.2.0, tags/released/1.x/1.3.0, tags/released/2.x/2.0.1 and tags/released/2.x/2.2.0, add --tags (for branches, it's --branches)

$ git svn clone --stdlayout --tags=tags/*/*/* --no-metadata -A users.txt --username=USERNAME https://svn.repo/some-parent-folder/project-folder project 
$ cd project
$ git svn fetch 
#### not necessary as it's handled different (by create tag and remove the svn tag) 
$ cp -Rf .git/refs/remotes/tags/* .git/refs/tags/ 
$ rm -Rf .git/refs/remotes/tags 

$ cp -Rf .git/refs/remotes/* .git/refs/heads/ 
$ rm -Rf .git/refs/remotes 
$ git branch -r

Then for each tag listed do:

$ git tag tagname tags/tagname
$ git branch -r -d tags/tagname
$ git tag tag-name-for-git tags/tag-name-from-svn
$ git branch -r -d tags/tag-name-from-svn


$ git tag 0.1.15 tags/released/0.x/some-app-0.1.15
$ git branch -r -d tags/released/0.x/some-app-0.1.15
  • list tags
$ git tag -l
  • remove old svn tags
$ rm -Rf .git/refs/remotes/tags 
$ git remote add origin git@git-repo:project 
* add user info to project/.git/config 
$ git config -e
  email = user@host

and remove [svn-remote "svn"] and [svn]

$ git push origin --all 

It doesn't seem like the tags are pushed?

$ git push origin --tags
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